It's vital today to have a presence in international markets. Access to professional and approachable experts in each country is what is needed.
That's why we are independent member of GGI, one of the world's leading organizations of professional and independent law, accounting and consulting firms.
GGI has been ranked by the Accountancy Magazine as one of the world's top ten networks.
All members are committed to providing clients with specialist solutions for their international business needs. We and our clients can select a Geneva Group International firm all over the globe with confidence, because all members share a common mission to provide top-quality services.
In conjunction with Geneva Group International we can support you with any of the following:
Financial Audit & Accountancy Services
GGI employs a rigorous method of selecting and admitting new members. Only firms providing high quality standards and excellent client services are invited to join GGI. Each member firm is admitted only after substantial due diligence.
Geneva Group Internationals broad international coverage provides us and our clients with access to high quality firms in nearly every major financial and commercial centre. All member firms are locally based firms, indigenous to their areas. As a result, they have developed the most necessary expertise as well as strong ties to the business communities. They also can apprise clients of the areas political context and provide firsthand information about the local landscape.
As a result of attending the international conferences at least twice a year, we personally know almost every member and can recommend you the right expert for your special need!
We are very pleased to assist you with all inquiries, no matter where in the world.